Jien Maghkom Dejjem (JMD) is a group meant to accompany couples in building a healthy, stable and long lasting relationship. The group was set up in 1997 by Charles and Mary Anne Giacchino with the help of the then Cana Movement Director Fr. Joe Mizzi, with the aim to serve as a continuation to the Marriage Preparation course.
Life is full of challenges and marriage is no exception. The group is meant especially for young couples and couples with children aiming mainly at the general well-being of the couple and thus of the family as a whole. Meetings are held monthly on a Sunday morning at id-Dar tal-Providenza in Siggiewi. Typical meetings include guest professional speakers in their respective fields, discussions, sharing of ideas and first hand experiences. At the end of each session we dedicate time for social gatherings. Occasionally we also organise day seminars, live-ins and recreational activities for all the family to enjoy.
For more information you can visit our facebook page or you can call us on 99256643.